Wedding story
The Dream of a Common Language

Blog is my copilot!

The new issue of Bitch is out -- no. 26, Fall 2004 -- and it includes Blog is my co-pilot: the rise of religion online, my article on some of the women who populate the godblogosphere.

Not all of the interviews I conducted (or pullquotes I nabbed from the blogs in question) made it into the final version of the piece, but I'm still really happy with how it turned out. I'll admit to having gone a hair over the requested wordcount, and the editors did an excellent job of trimming the piece to fit their needs while maintaining its structural integrity. Relapsed Catholic, Open Book, Holy Weblog!, Baraita, The Heretic's Corner, Fructus Ventris, Kesher Talk, The Revealer, and of course Velveteen Rabbi all make appearances.

Single issues are $5; a year's subscription is $15. At that price, subscribing is a bargain! Or, grab issue 26 at the magazine rack at the nearest indie bookstore. And once you've read it, drop me a comment; I'd love to know what you think.
