Judaica for the Mac?
June 06, 2005
I'm starting to feel like it would be helpful to own a copy of the Encyclopedia Judaica. Much as I would love to own it in book form, the full eighteen-volume set costs $1000 new, which is way out of my price range. There are a few editions on eBay, but I've never actually used eBay before (I know, surely I'm the last person on the internet to cross that boundary) and I have to imagine the bidding will get a lot higher before the deal is done. Besides, the shipping costs would be outrageous.
The CD-ROM costs a mere $100, which seems reasonable in comparison, and it would take up a lot less space on my bookshelves, too. (Plus, searchability is a nifty feature.) The only trouble is, I've searched high and low and I've only been able to find it for the PC, and I'm a diehard Macintosh user. Can anyone out there help me find a copy of the EJ on CD for the Mac?
While we're at it, I'd love recommendations of good Hebrew software for the Mac, too. At the moment, when I want to insert Hebrew into a Microsoft Word document, I switch to my spiffy Hebrew freeware font -- and type from left-to-right, e.g. backwards. One of these days it'd be nice to find a better alternative...