An opening in the body
March 20, 2006
Some of you may already read quarrtsiluni, the edited group blog / literary journal / "experiment in online literary and artistic collaboration" to which I occasionally contribute work. (I posted about it last when the theme was finding home.)
I've just accepted a stint as guest editor, along with an anonymous blogging friend. Our theme is "an opening in the body" -- interpret that however you wish. (Physical bodies, orifices both natural and artificial, or corporate bodies, or communal bodies, the body of the church, a body of work, any kind of body that can open in any kind of way...)
Here are the submission guidelines, reprinted from the blog's sidebar:
Contributions of non-fiction, poetry, short fiction, reviews, or interviews (with a maximum word count of 750) are welcome, as are photographs or digitized artwork. Submissions should not have been previously published (or blogged) elsewhere. All text submissions should be in Word or RTF format sent as an attachment to your e-mail. Potential contributors should contact the Managing Editor, K., for more information at qarrtsiluni at gmail dot com.
Meditate on "an opening in the body," see what arises, and send us what you've got. I look forward to reading your work!
Technorati tags: blogs, writing, qarrtsiluni.