A Boston Shabbat
Latkes in the Globe!

Recipes from the Jewish Blogosphere

Hey, guess what -- I contributed to a tiny little cookbook of Jewish recipes from the blogosphere! Well...kind of. The folks at The New Pamphleteer have published a new pamphlet -- Best Recipes from the Jewish Blogosphere, edited by (fellow Texan Jew) Judith Weiss of Kesher Talk -- which includes a recipe one of my commentors posted here (in response to one of my early posts about what to do with etrogim after Sukkot.)

The pamphlet, which costs $4, collects 50 recipes, each of which came from a blog post; bits of the original posts are republished along with the recipes, and the URLs of those posts are right there in the cookbook in case you want to offer food feedback. (Or in case you want to broaden your J-blogosphere reading.) If you're still looking for just the right wee little Chanukah gift for someone in your life -- or, hey, a perfect stocking-stuffer -- this might be just the thing you need.

Speaking of recipes, the Boston Globe article featuring me, my kitchen, and Ethan's Asian Latke recipe is set to be published in this Wednesday's paper (that'll be December 13th.) I'm pretty sure it will also be published online; I'll link to it as soon as I can. Thanks for your interest, everyone!

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