On liturgy and ambiguity
Profiling soferet Shoshana Gugenheim

My bags are packed, I'm ready to go...

I packed two outfits for Shabbat dinner. I'd like to say this is because I checked the weather forecast and want to cover my bases, but really it's because I can't decide, and since I'm traveling in my own car I can easily bring both possibilities and continue to waffle for a while -- or show them both to my sister and get her advice. (I can't help suspecting that wardrobe questions plague female clergy in a whole different way than they do men. Rabbi Debora Gordon seems to think so, too.)

Anyway, I packed my new (elegant, smart-but-appropriately-reserved) outfit to wear on the bimah on Saturday, and nice sandals which match all of the above. I packed an assortment of kippot. I packed my laptop. I packed a little something edible to thank my sister for hosting us all weekend. I packed my tallit and siddur and guitar. I think that's everything!

So I'm off to Boston for my niece's bat mitzvah weekend. I'm looking so forward to seeing my parents, all four of my siblings, many of my nieces and nephews, aunts, uncles, and cousins -- to celebrating Shabbat with my extended family -- and of course, most of all, to mincha and maariv and my niece's formal entry into this next phase of her Jewish life.

I won't be online much over the next few days. Take good care of the internet while I'm gone; see you on the flipside!

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