Equinox at qarrtsiluni
September 30, 2007
I've written here about the amazing, overwhelming, and beautiful Yom Kippur retreat I attended last weekend. But I haven't posted anything here about the sunrise equinox ritual that Rabbi Jill Hammer offered up, before dawn, one week ago today.
That's because I was hoping a short piece I'd written about it would appear on the pages of qarrtsiluni, and to my great pleasure the guest-editors for this issue graciously accepted the piece.
It's here: Equinox. I'd love to know what you think, both about the piece as a short nonfiction vignette and about the ritual, which I found really remarkable and sweet.
You're welcome to post in response here, or there -- I've subscribed to the comments thread on that post (one of the perks of qarrtsiluni having moved to WordPress) so I'll see feedback in either place.
The current theme at qarrtsiluni is Making Sense; that link will take you to a description of the theme, along with the revised submission policy. Some real literary luminaries are starting to publish work there, along with bloggers and writers whose work you may not know yet but will soon be glad that you do. If you've got anything that fits the theme, or feel like writing something specifically for this one, hurry; you've got until October 15.