Tu BiShvat poem: Birch Magazine
January 22, 2008
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In honor of Tu BiShvat, I offer a poem I wrote a few years ago at this season. (Any guesses as to which magazine I was, at that time, submitting a query letter? It seems obvious to me, but has evidently stumped a few folks, so I'm curious to know what comes to mind...)
A typo transforms my cover letter
into one aimed at an editor at Birch
and I find myself wondering
what kind of articles they publish there.
Rebuttals of that famous Frost poem,
perhaps, from the point of view
of the trees getting swung-upon.
Praise-songs penned on curled bark
and sent, ironed flat, via post.
Recipes for soda and syrup.
I imagine their mission statement:
giving voice to the thickets of saplings
rising slim and dark from snowy earth
heretofore considered silent, voiceless.
This would be their dormant period,
reading season, manuscripts considered
carefully before the spring rush
-- that heady upswelling
of sweet inspiration -- bursts forth
new pages that rattle in the wind.
I could offer something for their special
Tu BiShvat issue, a birthday song
for homes and synagogues worldwide
where we'll celebrate another ring
in every trunk, joining trees in traveling
from creation to essence, appearance
to ultimate reality,
holy roots to holy sky.