Guest-blogging at Best American Poetry
One breath at a time

"Crystal" at the BAP blog

Ice storms are destructive but curiously beautiful. I posted a photoset of ice storm photos; feel free to click through them if that interests you.

I used one of the photos to illustrate the second poem I've posted at Best American Poetry this week; the poem is called Crystal, and it makes use of a line donated by my friend Teju Cole. You can read one of his beautiful poems in a back issue of qarrtsiluni: from the ekphrasis issue, here's his poem Traveling Mercies, which accompanies a photograph by Jean Morris of tasting rhubarb.

And now, back to beating my head against the Shulchan Aruch. (It's a little bit disheartening, how much harder I find the Shulchan Aruch than I found either Rambam or the Tur. No wonder I just want to write poems this week...)

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