"View from the prow" at the BAP blog
December 16, 2008
I've posted another poem at the Best American Poetry blog. This one's called View from the prow, and it, too, arises out of the aftermath of the ice storm -- though in (I think) an entirely different way than the others I've posted so far. It may also be the first poem I've written about a baby since my niece Emma Rose (now a freshman in high school) was born.
The poem makes use of a line donated by Ivy Alvarez, author of Mortal, a collection which knocks my socks off. (Here's one of the poems from that collection: fossil -- which you can also hear as an mp3 in Ivy's own voice.)
If the cadences at the end of "View from the prow" seem familiar, it might be because they echo the asher yatzar blessing which is part of the Jewish daily liturgy. (I blogged about that blessing a few years ago, and I've written a poem which doubles as a variation on that blessing, which you can find at the bottom of this page.)
Anyway. New poem up at BAP. Enjoy!
Technorati tags: poetry, BestAmericanPoetry, IvyAlvarez.