Ladyblog awards
January 22, 2009
Until today I didn't know Ladyblog ("Classier than tea service. Like Fight Club, but with better hygiene. Slightly more aggro than a cucumber sandwich.") But the editors there just emailed me to say that this blog has been nominated for a LadyBlog award.
"We asked readers and fans to nominate female bloggers in five different categories (conservative politics, mommybloggers, lifestyle, religion, and entertainment)," they tell me, "and then the Ladyblog authors narrowed the nominations down to five blogs in each category." In the religion category, five blogs made the final cut:
Kafir Girl ("We read the Quran so you don't have to" -- the blog of a self-described "Pakistani American ex-Muslim twenty-something atheist")
Conversion Diary ("The diary of a former atheist" who has come to believe in God)
Velveteen Rabbi (If you're reading this, I trust you know my blog! My tagline is, "When can I run and play with the real rabbis?)
Peace for the Journey (the pull quote at the top of the blog is from John 14:27: "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you...")
A Holy Experience (The pull quote is Browning: "earth is crammed with heaven and every common bush afire with God")
The really neat thing for me is that I've never read the other four blogs on this list. So now I have four new-to-me religion blogs to check out. Anyway, if you're so inclined, check these blogs out and then pop over to Ladyblog to tell them which one you like best. Thanks, Ladyblog!