Unleavened offerings of our hearts (Radical Torah repost)
The heart of things (Radical Torah repost)

Haggadah for Pesach!

2020 Edited to add: you can always find the most up-to-date version of the VR Haggadah by going to velveteenrabbi.com and clicking through to the haggadah page.

Hello from Argentina! I have wonderful stories to tell...when we are home again. For now, I'm popping in to offer this, since a few folks have emailed to ask. There's no new version of the Velveteen Rabbi's Haggadah for Pesach this year; I'll be using last year's version again, and hope some of y'all will, too.

2020 Edited to add: you can always find the most up-to-date version of the VR Haggadah by going to velveteenrabbi.com and clicking through to the haggadah page.

Praise for the haggadah, version 6:

  • Your haggadah is stunning and I am so excited that you posted it; I have been having a ton of anxiety about not having the time to put together my own seder this year, and lo and behold—your haggadah gets posted. And I am liberated! -- Ellen Bernstein

  • This haggadah is truly amazing. Passover has always been my very favorite holiday, but as my political sensibilities have evolved, the celebration has become tinged with the constrictions of patriarchy and culture-boundness. I have longed for newer traditions that might challenge my family to collectively expand our understanding of oppression, and what our role is in interrupting it for not just Jews, but for all who suffer. -- Bree

  • For the second seder this year, I knew that I was going to have a diverse group of guests and was looking for a haggadah that would help make it traditional enough for everyone to experience a ritual that would be recognizable to Jews anywhere, but accessible enough for everyone to connect without difficulty. With your help, it was an amazing experience for all - 6 Jews (secular to Orthodox, Ashkenazi and Sefardi, American and Finnish), 3 Tibetan Buddhists, 1 French Catholic, and 1 German Presbyterian. -- Rabbi Rebecca Joseph

The most current version of the haggadah will always be called VRHaggadah.pdf, and will be available at the same URL where this one is, so next year you'll be able to find (hopefully) version 7.0 there as well! Creating the haggadah is a real mechaieh (life-giver) for me; sharing it with others is even more so, and I hope you enjoy. Feel free to use, to share, and/or to adapt at will; all I ask is that you share the material for free and credit apropriately.

Wishing all of you a sweet journey into Passover-time. Talk to y'all soon when I am home again!

Edited in 2010 to add: there's now a newer revision of the haggadah (version 7.0), so when you download the file, don't be surprised to see a different cover. You can read all about the latest revision here.

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