September 07, 2009
A couple of weeks ago I posted a Torah poem called "What they did with their 'God of Carnage' Vacation (Ki Tetzei)." It is part of my ongoing series of parsha poems; it also arose in response to that week's prompt at ReadWritePoem, which invited us to title our poems using borrowed newspaper headlines.
My friend Simcha Daniel, who blogs at Sustainable Judaism and who often comments here, has done me the profound honor of translating the poem into Hebrew. If you're a reader of Hebrew poetry, you can read his translation in the comments section of my Torah poem post.
(Even if you don't read Hebrew, you might enjoy the other conversation in the comments thread on that post. If you're reading this blog via an aggregator/feedreader or via email, do consider stopping by from time to time to see what we're talking about in comments. Thanks to y'all, the conversation is always interesting...)
I've never had my poetry translated into Hebrew before. I'm really delighted with the end result, which feels at once like my own poem and like a transformative work which has transmuted my original poem into something wondrous and new.