Legless (Read Write Prompt #111: broken chair)
Read Write Prompt #112: the narrative wallpaper

Tu BiShvat is on the way

A big beautiful conifer outside our house, flanked by birch trees.

Tu BiShvat, the New Year of the Trees, begins tonight at sundown.

Maybe not surprisingly, I haven't had time to collect any new resources for the holiday or to write any new holiday reflections or prayers this year. So I'll point you to the Tu BiShvat category on this blog -- feel free to look there for previous years' posts, including the Haggadah for Tu BiShvat I posted a few years ago.

My own celebration will probably be simple: eating some of the etrog marmalade I made last Sukkot, and maybe treating myself to pancakes with maple syrup -- the fruit of our most truly local trees, and the only local fruit which is currently in season!

Anyway, here's to the sap rising: to more sweetness and more life, to what has been brittle becoming more supple, to the promise of eventual spring.
