Another mother psalm
On holy community

And we're off!

Big Texas sky.

Drew and I are off to Texas -- his first time on a plane, and his first chance to meet his extended Texas mishpacha.

If you're in San Antonio, and are free on Friday night (April 23), feel free to come to the 6:30pm "alternative" service in the Barshop Auditorium at Temple Beth El, my parents' shul. I've been invited to give the d'var Torah, so my family and I will be there...and although 7pm is Drew's usual bedtime, I'm hoping he'll nap well that day and might be able to stay awake and cheery through the service!

Anyway: blogging has been light here lately since Drew was born anyway, so it seems a bit silly to say that blogging will be light while we're in Texas, but it will. Off we go into the wild blue yonder!
