Velveteen Rabbi on Radio 613
September 17, 2010
I'm a big fan of Radio 613, "a collective and radio broadcast dedicated to Jewish politics, culture, and religious life. Diasporic tones find auditory homes through featured interviews, music, readings, discussion, and documentaries. Each week radio613 presents Jewish perspectives on religious/spiritual thought and practice, race and racism, gender and feminisms, anti-semitism, identity politics, colonialism and resistance… and more!"
A few days ago, they interviewed me -- and now that interview is online as an hour-long podcast, available to listen to online or to download for later listening. It's here: Episode 44: Velveteen Rabbi interview. We talked "about rabbinical school, High Holy day preparation, new translations, and the transformation of ritual to social justice." Also about the fundraising I recently did to help a New York City mosque. Tune in and enjoy!