Poem: letter to a war zone (for Big Tent Poetry)
Review of "God's Optimism" in Zeek

Bringing 70 faces to Vermont


One of the things I've been working on lately is orchestrating a handful of further events promoting 70 faces, my collection of Torah poems which was published by Phoenicia Publishing this winter. As the (newly-revised!) complete 70 faces book tour page indicates, I've got one event this month in Bennington, Vermont; next month I'm doing a couple of events in Montreal; and in June, I have four events happening in my birthplace of San Antonio, Texas.

Here's the scoop on the April event in Bennington:

Poetry: a doorway to Torah, a d'var Torah which will feature poems from 70 faces as well as poems designed to help us prepare ourselves for Pesach, at Congregation Beth El, April 16. Services are from 10am-noon, and I'll have about 25 minutes during the service to share poems: "Walk through the door of poetry into Torah with Rabbi Rachel Barenblat, author of 70 faces: Torah poems." We'll continue the conversation over the kiddush afterwards. 225 North Street, Bennington, VT.

Hope to see you there!

(As a side note, if you're interested in Phoenicia Publishing or in small independent presses in general you might enjoy the interview that Marly Youmans is doing with Beth Adams of Phoenicia -- the interview is in three parts and all are posted at Marly's blog: part 1, part 2, part 3.)
