New essay about mikveh at the Mayyim Hayyim blog
Reb Zalman's "All Breathing Life" - old liturgy, new poems

A poem in the Jewish Women's Literary Annual

The Jewish Women's Literary Annual is a venerable publication, and every time it comes out I marvel at the breadth and depth of the Jewish womens' voices it showcases.

I'm honored to be able to say that I have a piece in the annual this year -- as does my aunt Vicki Pieser, which is a really neat family happening! This year's annual also features Enid Dame, Wendy Marcus, Marge Piercy, Myra Shapiro, and many others.

My poem which appears in the annual is "Mother Psalm 1" (a psalm of anticipation.) Some of y'all probably read the first draft of that poem when it was posted here during my year of weekly mother poems.

The current edition is volume 8 (2011); subscription information can be found at the National Council of Jewish Women website (or, if you just want the current edition, send a check for $10 and a note indicating that you want volume 8 to the address listed there.)
