Akedah poems
September 30, 2011
Last year, as the cantorial soloist at CBI, I gave the sermon on the second day of Rosh Hashanah. In years past, our visiting cantorial soloists had offered a "sermon in song;" I offered a sermon in poetry, a cycle of ten poems arising out of the story of the akedah / the binding of Isaac, which is the story we read on that day.
This year I'm the rabbi and my friend Shayndel Kahn is our cantorial soloist; she will offer today's sermon at my shul. But in case you missed it last year, or in case you'd like to read it again -- I hope that the poems will speak anew to us this year, as I hope that the Torah story continues to speak to us! -- here's a link to last year's sermon for this day: The Akedah Cycle.