Off we go!
There and back again

Thanks, SMH

Many thanks to the folks at my high school alma mater, Saint Mary's Hall, for their kind profile of me in the school's periodical publication The Shield! I get a tremendous kick out of seeing my high school yearbook photo juxtaposed with a photo of me from my installation as rabbi of Congregation Beth Israel.

SMH was a great place for me. Studying Latin with the teacher who inspired me to apply to Williams -- savoring English classes -- performing Shakespeare in the courtyard -- sipping hot tea made in a beaker when AP biology met early to give us more time for labwork -- singing "cheers, cheers for seniors' blue ties!"...I carry a lot of good memories from those years and that place.

I know I'm the eleventh ordained rabbi to come out of Williams. I don't know how many rabbis have come out of Saint Mary's Hall; I'm guessing that our numbers are relatively few! But one way or another it's lovely to feel appreciated by one of the places that shaped the person I continue to be.

(For those who are curious, the issue is online, here, on page 61.)
