A birthday note for Yom Ha-Atzma'ut
70 faces of Torah for Shavuot

There You Are

What in me resists
meeting You wherever I go?

The petals fallen
from the forsythia

the wind, the trees
flying wet chartreuse flags --

atop my filing cabinet
the receipts for jury service

and childbirth classes
which I finally throw away --

calendar chock-a-block with
Skype dates and board meetings:

all of these are You
clothed in the world.

From dreams of my teachers
to status updates

every message I receive
comes from You.

I don't have to meditate
in order to pray

in order to be ready
to feel Your presence.



Earlier this week I met with my mashpi'ah (spiritual director). This poem arose out of our conversation.

I welcome any thoughts, reflections, questions, or poems which arise in response! Shabbat shalom.
