Daily April poem: a series of lunes
April 04, 2014
Four-thirteen AM:
the call to prayer glides
into my ear.
God is greatest!
Another voice joins the song
point and counterpoint.
I bear witness
that there is no other
God but God!
Handful of stones
thrown into a still pond
make intersecting ripples.
In my bed
I think: hear, O Israel --
God is One.
When I sing
morning prayers I will remember
this sharp yearning.
One by one
the loudspeakers cease crying out.
Listen: church bells.
The day four prompt at NaPoWriMo is to write a lune, a three-line poem intended to do in English what a haiku does in Japanese. They suggested that we work with the form developed by Jack Collum, which features stanzas of three words, five words, three words.
Just last week I was in Jerusalem marveling at the early-morning sounds of the Old City (see Staying somewhere new). That's what sparked this poem. (The photo accompanying the poem is my own.)
You can read about the adhān here at Wikipedia.
"Hear, O Israel -- God is One" is a slight abbreviation of the shema.