Join us in Boulder to celebrate Reb Zalman's 90th!
June 19, 2014
Longtime readers know that I go to Colorado every January for the ordination of new ALEPH rabbis, cantors, and rabbinic pastors, and for the OHALAH conference of Jewish Renewal clergy. (That's where I was ordained.)
The reason we meet in Colorado is not just that it's relatively centrally-located (in the continental United States, anyway) -- it's because our beloved zaide (grandfather) and teacher Reb Zalman lives in Boulder, and we travel there to be with him.
This year I'm returning to Colorado a second time, in August, to celebrate Reb Zalman's 90th birthday with a Shabbaton (Shabbat retreat) and a Sunday celebration. Here's information about the whole program -- Shabbaton, Sunday birthday party, and all.
If you've been impacted by Jewish Renewal or by Reb Zalman's teachings -- if you've ever wanted to experience Jewish Renewal teachers or Jewish Renewal davening (prayer) or Jewish Renewal community -- I hope you'll come. This is going to be an extraordinary weekend.
You can come for the Shabbaton (which will feature amazing services, in which I am blessed to be able to take part) or just for the Sunday celebration, which will be called Reb Zalman at 90: Celebrating a Heart as Big as the World. That celebration will feature Father Matthew Fox, author and teacher Sylvia Boorstein, Professor and Rabbi Art Green, and Chazzan Richard Kaplan, among others.
You may have seen me mention last week that Reb Zalman has been in the hospital. Thank God, I am grateful to be able to share word that he has moved out of the ICU and into a regular unit, and according to recent postings on his CaringBridge site, has been sitting in a chair studying Torah, and talking, singing, and davening as his energy permits. It is our fervent hope that he will be able to enjoy this amazing 90th birthday celebration along with us.
If you're in or near Colorado, or if you can get yourself to Colorado, I hope you'll join us. Register now -- space is limited. And if you're not able to join us but are able to make a contribution in honor of his lifetime of extraordinary teaching, I know that would be appreciated, too.
I hope to see you in Boulder!