Day 24 of the Omer
April 28, 2015
The only rule I know:
two stones on one, one stone on two.
Fit them snug
so they won't topple after the first cycle
of freeze and thaw.
If I could fly over New England
low enough to look
through leafless trees I'd see the earth
seamed like a baseball,
old walls the stitches holding her together.
Some have slumped
over centuries, granite and gneiss
sliding gracefully
to the side, but even in ruin
the walls endure.
What will I build in my lifetime
to last as long?
Today is the 24th day of the Omer, making three weeks and three days of the Omer. This is the 24th day of our 49-day journey between Pesach and Shavuot, liberation and revelation.
Today's poem was inspired by one of last year's NaPoWriMo prompts -- the invitation to write a poem about stone walls or arches.
The shape of today's poem is inspired by the "two stones on one" rule, and by the calligraphy of the Song at the Sea.