New Year's Poem 2015 / 5776
September 10, 2015
When the list of school supplies arrives
my heart skips a beat. I'm not ready.
How can I be surprised? I've known all along
how one month follows the next, but
kindergarten looms. (Not, though,
for the five year old. Time renews itself
every time he opens his eyes.) When the days
of awe appear again on the horizon
my heart skips a beat. I'm not ready.
How can I be surprised? I've known all along
how the spiral of the year recycles end
into beginning again. Another summer
yields with less or more grace to fall
and I do too. Sometimes my gears grind,
I wish tomorrow would come sooner
or yesterday would return. I blink
and a month disappears. Where was I?
How can I be surprised? I've known all along
without my attention next new moon won't be
the world's birthday, just a night with less light.
And this impossibly precious moment
when I could be cupping my hand
to the side of your face with tenderness --
gone like the numbers on a digital clock.
But if I stop to see what's in front of me
and choose the blessing in it, if I
sanctify the threshold between now
and what comes after now, and after now,
then every moment gleams, infinite
as the love which links your heart and mine.
לשנה טובה תכתבו ותחתמו
May you be inscribed for a good and sweet year!
From me and my family, to you and yours.
(For those who are so inclined, here's a link to my archive of new year's card poems... and here's the new year's poem I co-wrote with my ALEPH co-chair Rabbi David Evan Markus.)