All I have
October 01, 2015
All I have is love.
It doesn't feel like enough.
What can I give you?
I'm trying not to hide my light.
It doesn't feel like enough.
(I'm working on this,
and trying not to hide my light.)
What do you need?
I'm working on this:
can't I make offerings?
What do you need
to sweeten this day?
Can't I make offerings:
rose petals in your path
to sweeten this day?
I want to lay my words
like rose petals in your path,
the work of my hands.
I want to lay my words
at your feet, to nourish you.
The work of my hands.
What can I give you
at your feet, to nourish you?
All I have is love.
I'm spending some time revising the poems of yearning I've written in recent months -- many of which were written for #blogElul, others over the course of the summer -- into a rough draft of a chapbook manuscript. (Working title: Texts to the KBH. That's short for Kadosh Baruch Hu, "Holy One of Blessing" -- a common name for God.) This is one of the #blogElul poems which is undergoing some transformation; now it takes the form of a pantoum. (Here's the original.) If you like one version better than the other, let me know.