This Road
November 19, 2015
I love this road
because it leads to you.
Even when I'm footsore
and weary, the knowledge
that I'm pointed
in your direction
is enough to sweeten
these twists and curves.
When I turn toward you
joy speeds my heart.
Wherever you are
is Eden.
This is another one of the 36 poems of love and longing which make up the manuscript for Texts to the Holy, my chapbook-in-progress of poems of yearning for the Beloved.
2015 has been a really good year for me, poetry-wise. I wrote 49 Omer poems last winter / spring (which I've been revising, and which I intend to release later this winter -- copies will be available well before Pesach!) and now I've written 36 poems for this chapbook manuscript. There are at least 100 poems in my 2015 poems folder! It's nothing on Luisa Igloria's astounding streak of daily poem-writing, but it still feels good.