Inspiring rabbis
Jewish Renewal Listening Tour: off to Boulder

That's why


Because I could say your names
tasting them on my tongue
for hours and not grow tired.

Because when you're with me
I sparkle like water in the sun.
Because I turn toward your light.

Because when I remember you
I shine like Moshe come down
from the mountain.

Because my heart, full of you,
bursts open like a ripe fig
juicy and sweet.


Because I could say your names... for hours. Both the Jewish mystical tradition and Sufi mystical tradition contain the devotional practice of reciting names of God. Because I turn toward your light. Reb Zalman z"l taught that just as plants are phototropic, and naturally turn toward the source of light which nourishes them, human beings are theo-tropic and naturally turn toward God. I shine like Moshe come down / from the mountain. Torah teaches that when Moses came down from Mount Sinai, having communed with God and received the Torah, his face was so radiant that he had to wear a veil to protect the people around him from his light. 

This is another of the poems in my Texts to the Holy series.
