#blogElul 13: Remember
#blogElul 15: Change

#blogElul 14: Learn

BlogElul 2016How to feel you with me
hand on my shoulderblade
song in my ear

how to share with you
the surprise of wild mint,
the blue of September sky

how to let summer slip
through my fingers
without grieving its passing

how to trust
you'll be here with me
even when the days grow dark


I'm participating again this year in #blogElul, an internet-wide carnival of themed posts aimed at waking the heart and soul before the Days of Awe. (Organized by Ima Bima.) Read #blogElul posts via the Elul tag; you might also enjoy my collection of Elul poems which arose out of #blogElul a few years ago, now available in print and e-book form as See Me: Elul poems.
