New at Ritualwell: When Jews and Muslims Pray Together
March 14, 2017
"I'm deeply distressed at the desecration of Jewish cemeteries," said my colleague Sharif at the weekly chaplains' staff meeting at our small liberal arts college.
"I'm deeply distressed by the mosques set afire," I said to him in return.
We both find hope in stories of interfaith solidarity across what can be a contentious divide between the children of Ismail and the children of Yitzchak. We've read about Muslims raising money to repair Jewish tombstones, and Jews raising money to refurbish torched mosques, and we take heart from those things.
But what could we do on our little campus to foster that spirit of interfaith solidarity and to bring comfort to two minority religious communities whose members are likely sad and anxious about bomb threats at JCCs and reports of rising Islamophobia?
The answer turned out to be powerful and simple: pray in each others' religious spaces, with and for each other...
Read the whole piece at Ritualwell: When Jews and Muslims Pray Together.
Thanks to the editors at Ritualwell for publishing the piece, and deep thanks to the interfaith comunity at Williams for so beautifully and bravely standing together.