Mikeitz Sketchnote
December 13, 2017
My friend Steve Silbert has been drawing weekly sketchnote illustrations of each week's Torah portion. This week he writes:
This week’s Torah portion is called Mikeitz, which means “after”. In context, it’s two years after Joseph was sold into slavery. Since this parsha falls on the first night of Hanukkah I chose to sketchnote a dvar Torah by my friend Rabbi Rachel Barenblat. In her dvar Torah she connects this installment of the story of Joseph with Hanukkah through the divine spark that exists in us all. Near the end, she brings it all together by writing that "Whatever clothing we wear, whatever persona we adopt, it's our job in this world to be human candles. To shed light in the darkness, wherever we go."
And here's his illustration:
I'm honored to have inspired his sketchnote this week! I think this is such a beautiful way to engage with Torah.
You can leave him feedback on his Facebook page or on Twitter.