New questions
April 03, 2020
For those who can't read images, or who want to copy-and-paste- a transcription:
How is this night the same as other Passovers in the past or in the imagined future?
What does it mean to experience an Exodus from the Narrow Place when our lives may feel more constricted (by illness, quarantine, economic hardship, or grief) than ever before?
How can the rituals of seder connect us across the chasm between what we're experiencing now and what was "normal" before?
We can't physically invite all who are hungry to come and eat. (Then again, we probably didn't do that last year before the pandemic either.) How can we reimagine that call in this time? What will we do to nourish those in need this year?
Hiding the afikoman reminds us that spiritual life means searching. For what are we searching this year? What hope or healing do we yearn for... and what will we do, during the coming wilderness wandering, to bring our yearnings to pass?
Cross-posted from Builders Blog, a project of Bayit: Building Jewish.