Not Knowing
May 15, 2022
The only thing I know:
we are not "there" yet,
and I'm not sure where "there" is
or how we will feel
or with what we will serve.
It's scary not having a map
to safety. Scarier still
that some claim the plague
never happened, or the deaths
aren't important...
These years are wilderness
and sometimes I struggle to hear
the still small voice
calling me forth
from my armchair, calling me
into humble not-knowing
and into the splendor
of not making myself afraid.
This work isn't new, and
we won't complete it: that’s ok.
Yes, there were leeks
in the beforetimes. I miss
them too. But then I remember
not everyone got to eat
even then. We can do better.
It's all right to feel fear
as long as we put one foot
in front of the other.
There is no path to Sinai
other than this.
With what we will serve - see Exodus 10:26. The still small voice - see I Kings 19:12. Not making myself afraid - After Reb Nachman of Bratzlav, והעיקר לא להתפחד כלל / the important thing is not to make oneself afraid. Humble…splendor - Two ways of translating הוד, the quality our mystics associate with this week. We won’t complete it - see Pirkei Avot 2:16. There were leeks - see Numbers 11:5.
Originally published as part of Step by Step: Omer 5782, the collaborative offering from Bayit's Liturgical Arts Working Group for this year's Omer journey. Find that collection here: Step by Step: Omer 5782 at Bayit.