Eikhah for Israel and Gaza
August 08, 2024
Walls burned or broken
Peacemakers kidnapped and slaughtered
Children terrorized
Buildings bombed to rubble
Hospitals destroyed
Cisterns emptied
Everywhere pictures of the hostages
Everywhere reminders of the martyrs
Everywhere parents burying children
Our grief and fury could wash away creation.
Will anyone survive, clinging to this battered ark?
Is there an olive tree left anywhere?
R. Rachel Barenblat
I wrote this as part of the Liturgical Arts Working Group at Bayit, and recently shared it there as part of our Tisha b'Av collection this year. Our offering of contemporary kinnot / laments for Tisha b'Av is available both as a downloadable PDF and as google slides suitable for screenshare, and it's called How?! I hope something in the collection speaks to you.